My Story
Let’s start with the quick version (This is me. Get past the fluff and give me what I need to know! 😅):
Hair stylist for 17+ years
Type 2c 3a Curls Hair Specialist
Farmer’s wife
Mom to two (plus a bernadoodle fur baby!)
Renovating our dream farmhouse
Enneagram 3
My dream Friday night includes pjs, movies, and a glass of wine!
Annnnd if you like a little more detail:
I’ve been insecure about my curls since I was a little girl! For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to hide them. I never even thought twice about embracing my curls…the flat iron was my best friend. But I hated how damaged my hair looked. I began using MONAT in 2016 and after seeing the health of my hair change, I wondered what would happen if I really did give my curls a chance. In July of 2019, I decided to try curl training…
The pictures below tell the story best. I went from dry and damaged and straightening constantly to what you see here!
Before MONAT
Before Curl Training
My First Time Curl Training
The very first day I curl trained!
I was so proud of those curls!
A Few Months Into Curl Training
I stuck with it, and I started to see results!
Curl training in process
Where I Am Today
Left: Straight hair after using MONAT
Right: After curl training
Left: 1st day of curl training
Right: 18 months later
I’m here to help you love your curls again!
I hope this encourages you wherever you're at in your curl journey.
Thinking about embracing your curls? DO IT!
In the middle of the process? DON'T GIVE UP!
Need some help along the way? I’m your girl. All of my customers get access to my curl training course.
You CAN love those curls again!